New Features

A new look

Quick search by attributes


Now we can search issues by SLA's, for example: "Reaction Time" > remainingTime("50%")"

Dynamic Custom Dictionaries menu

Improved API

CRM API is much more faster now. And now you can use new calls: addcontact, editcontact, deletecontact, unsetcontact, editcompany, deletecompany. For more information see the guide.

Find issues with no company

Now you should use next JQL syntax to find issues with no company: "Company ~ "Not defined" or "Company !~ "Not defined".

Fixed Bugs

  1. Conflict with JJupin scripts was fixed.

  2. Conflict with JIRA Service Desk was fixed. It was bug with Atlassian restfultable. You should update JIRA to version 6.3.1 (and upper) - Atlassian already fixed the bug.