Linking a Company/Contact to an issue

You can find a CRM section to the left side of an issue of any kind of project.

The section allows:

  • to link contact and/or company to the issue, change the selection or remove the link
  • to browse the details of the selected contact/company
  • to create a new company via the issue

Note that CRM section permissions are aligned with the project permissions: only a user with the "Edit issues" permissions can edit the section fields.

Displaying an extra attribute for companies

A company name is not always enough to select a company correctly. You can select an attribute to be displayed along with the company name (CRM Settings → Jira Issue Features):

Screenshot 2021-11-11 at 12.18.15.png

Automatically linking mode

As an administrator, you can set the rules of linking CRM entities to issues. Besides the basic manual mode, you can set automatically link CRM contact and/or company to issues upon issue creation and certain issue changes.

The rules can be set in CRM Settings → Jira Issue Features:

Set contact by reporter

In case the synchronization of Jira users and CRM contacts is on, you can set contacts to be auto-defined (and therefore auto-linked) in issues according to the Reporter.

The auto-linking works upon issue creation and upon changing the Reporter. Besides that, a user can change the linked contact as required (even if the relevance to the Reporter will be lost).

Set company by contact

If enabled, this setting will update the company by the contact selected in the issue. 

The company associated with the issue contact will be automatically linked to an issue upon setting/changing the contact:

Note that changes in this section will not affect the existing issues unless you edit their contact directly.