First steps

To start working with CRM objects, you need to perform these steps right after plugin installation: 

  1. set up access to CRM's objects for groups and users
  2. create dictionary fields and add them into desired projects
  3. define a system CRM user
  4. add your own attributes into dictionaries if needed
  5. add your own custom dictionaries if needed

Plugin Settings Menu

To get to the plugin's administration menu you can use gear button in the CRM main menu.

CRM button will appear to users who have granted permission to Aceess main menu CRM. If you don't see this button, go to Manage Add-ons sections and configure permissions.

Setting up Access

After plugin installation you must set up access to plugin's objects and features, otherwise your users will not see CRM menu and its dictionaries.

Do Not Show Directories

In some versions of CRM add-on you can find a checkbox "Do not show" on top of each directory in CRM Administrator menu. Checking this checkbox you can restrict showing directories in CRM.

When checked the selected directory is not showing in CRM for all users. This doesn't mean restricted access to data in that directory (if user has rights to browse company/contacts cards or transactions then all this data would be accessible from issue or from other CRM directories).

Default Settings

After plugin installation, there will appear settings and data in CRM dictionaries as an example. You can delete them or add your own settings.

Setting up Records Attributes

Before start to work you should also set up contacts and companies dictionary attributes.