To search issues with overdue SLA use the following expression in Advanced search:

JQL OperatorDescription

id in crmSLAOverdudedIssues("customfield_1001")


customfield_1001 - an ID of custom SLA field

To find all issues with overdue SLA.

id in crmSLAProgressIssues(">30%", "customfield_1001")


customfield_1001 - an ID of custom SLA field

To find all issues, where SLA time is spent on more (or less) than 30%. You can use any percent.

key = HDhasSimilar ('Company', 'YOUR OWN JQL')

If you have CRM for JIRA add-on, you would like to control SLA by Company. For example, you should set defined SLA for the current issue, if current reporter's company has something. In next case we control existing issues (Sales) for the current reporter's company:

key = HDhasSimilar ('Company', 'project = SALE AND issuetype = Sale AND status = Delivering')

id in slaRemainingTime("<14m", "HelpDesk_SLA")


HelpDesk_SLA - the name of SLA field

To find all issues which remaining time in SLA field is less than 14 minutes. Works with >, >=, =, <=, < operators and time can be set in minutes (m), hours (h), days (d) and weeks (w).

id in hdSLAByLevelIssues("HelpDesk SLA", "SLA - 4 Hoster")


HelpDesk SLA - the name of SLA field,

SLA - 4 Hoster - the name of SLA level (from SLA field configuration)

To find all issues with certain SLA level set in SLA field.