What's the problem?

When using standard mail handler all newly created users get into jira-core group, so that they consume the license. This is not the best way to use JIRA licenses when you have a lot of external users which are not supposed to log into JIRA.

Installing Helpdesk Mail Handler

After installing Helpdesk plugin a new Helpdesk Mail Handler will appear.

This mail handler is based on Atlassian 'Create a new issue or add a comment to an existing issue' mail handler. It has the same features and additionally allows to:

Configuring Helpdesk Mail Handler

There is a special parameter to specify a JIRA user group which all new users will be added to - New user group:

Sometimes E-mails contain garbage (trash attachment) files without extensions. These files can clutter Issue Attachments section. Use 'Regexp to filter attachments' to avoid garbage in issue. 


To filter all attachments with specific name (for example for JIRA-generated files) use regular expression:


You can also filter images embedded into text so that they will not be added as an issue attachment. If you select this parameter you can configure image size to be filtered.

If the Handler deletes any attachment from the comment it will inform about it at the end of the comment: "The following attachments were deleted:"

In previous versions the e-mails with empty subjects were not converted into Jira issues. In the field Default value for issues with empty subject you can set the default issue subject.

The examples of other mail handler parameters can be found on Atlassian site.

Addresses of customers from a copy (content of Email's CC field)

"Why don't you press the Reply to all button?"

"I put my colleagues in a copy. I'm uncomfortable using your Jira."

Some customers think that we communicate with them through the mail. Users think that they attract colleagues to discuss the issue when they put them in a CC field, although, in fact, we do not see the address from the copy.

You can save the content of CC field of e-mails in selected custom field (Text or HTML field type).

For example, see screenshot below. Now all addresses from copies will be displayed in the "Email from copy" field.