You are viewing the old version of the documentation. See the latest version here: HelpDesk for Jira Server Home

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You are viewing the old version of the documentation. See the latest version here: [HDJS : Helpdesk for Jira Server Home]

What's the problem?

You have different groups of users with different access rights to JIRA or HelpDesk. So users should know which group they are into and select correct logon screen. In case when HelpDesk user tries to enter JIRA, the no rights to logon message appears and user has to switch JIRA to HelpDesk login page.

Solution in HelpDesk For JIRA

You can combine login pages for JIRA and HelpDesk on one screen (JIRA login page). The system will check if the user has permisions to login JIRA or this is a HelpDesk user only.

In HelpDesk Administrator menu Access tab there is attribute named Change JIRA login to HD.

If the checkbox is checked the JIRA login page will forward HelpDesk users to HelpDesk and JIRA users to JIRA.

When users switch to HelpDesk from JIRA they are ending their JIRA session and the warning message appears. To turn it off check the checkbox "Do not show warning message before entering HelpDesk from JIRA".

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